Life Doesn’t Frighten Me At All

Grade Level: Kindergarten

A mixed-media art project inspired by the artwork of Jean-Michel Basquiat and the poetry of Maya Angelou

Big Ideas:
Courage & Fear

Lesson Summary:
In this lesson, students will listen to a reading of the poem "Life Doesn't Frighten Me" by Maya Angelou. Paired with paintings by Jean-Michel Basquiat, artists will consider why Mr. Basquiat used graffiti in his artwork and how he and Ms. Angelou may have managed big feelings such as fear. Students will practice recognizing how fear and courage show up in their bodies and then experiment with a breathing technique to manage their own big feelings.

To begin their artwork, students will think about what a “scary,” “anxious,” or “afraid” line might look like and practicing making some on scrap paper. Artists will then choose one of their lines and use tempera paint sticks to create a background in colors similar to Mr. Basquiat. Next, artists will design a dragon to add to their artwork..

For the final step, artists will complete a thought bubble for their dragon that finishes the phrase, "__________ doesn’t frighten me at all!"

We complete the lesson with a Gallery Walk to view our classmate’s work, ask questions, and offer praise.

Lesson Plan

Student Artwork




Essential Questions:
Why do humans feel afraid?

How can we find courage when we are afraid?

How can art help us manage big feelings like fear?


Salamander Room: Creating a Habitat