Inspiration is Everywhere
Inspiration is everywhere! Take, for example, the work of fiber artist Elin Thomas. Thomas creates moldy fiber Petri dishes using traditional needlework techniques, including embroidery and crochet. Don’t worry, you read that right- she stitches together small artworks that resemble the unexected beauty of fungus!
If you get past the ick factor to really look at mold, you might begin to feel some of the inspiration that touches the artist soul of Ms. Thomas- can you spot the art from nature in the images above?! Inspiration really is everywhere if we slow down long enough to notice!
With this beautiful foundation as our launching pad, artists played with wide-format woven fabric (burlap), ribbons, embroidery thread, and other decorative elements to create an artwork inspired by Thomas’ playful, observational artworks. New skills + New Ways of Seeing = Success in my book!